koleksi emote icon facebook

Sonny Ogawa

Buat sobat yang suka chat Facebook
tentu sudah pada paham yang namanya emote icon..?
Dalam sebuah chating FB atau sewaktu sobat comment status tentu akan lebih asyik jika disertai icon gambar yang lucu dan menarik.

Ini tentu akan lebih menunjukkan
keadaan suasana hati kita kepada orang lain.
Icon facebook tentunya cukup banyak, ada yg menampilkan gambar lucu, sedih dan sebagainya.

jika sobat seorang facebook mania, tidak ada salahnya mencoba.

Berikut ini saya bagikan koleksi emote icon fb secara gratis buat sobat semua.
[[345533462139449]] = bete
[[308300382542918]] = calm
[[309626999060642]] = dandan
[[263022747090798]] = hai
[[200102950080196]] = hwa
[[158227984284324]] = mad
[[114550798664378]] = mo
[[299734090065127]] = omg
[[350421394973827]] = shy
[[208296672587372]] = doa
[[157844747656241]] = etc
[[158207970952008]] = groa
[[241721525896214]] = grr
[[113519815433465]] = hepi
[[239939099411255]] = joke
[[346508562029170]] = kedip
[[185298018232820]] = mbok
[[239249926147852]] = phew
[[332418196786941]] = shock
[[328430820514942]] = tear
[[222287944513884]] = we
[[164481350318329]] = win
[[330544910308348]] = zzz
[[267658843290223]] = hoeh
[[180154485416003]] = senyum
[[221390677938174]] = sweet
[[269394746450013]] = sad
[[222023621206273]] = uhuk
[[346372985378735]] = luph
[[187322684697844]] = tida
[[208533842565519]] = cuih

[[249199828481201]] = Konata Izumi
[[250128751720149]] = Domo Kun
[[223328504409723]] = Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] = Pokeball
[[326134990738733]] = Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] = Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] = Nobita
[[144685078974802]] = Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] = Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] = Shin chan
[[269153023141273]] = Poring
[[171108522930776]] = Troll face
[[211782832186415]] = Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] = Are u f**king
[[169919399735055]] = Not bad
[[142670085793927]] = Mother of God
[[170815706323196]] = Cereal Guy
[[168456309878025]] = LOL Face
[[167359756658519]] = NO Guy
[[224812970902314]] = Derp
[[192644604154319]] = Derpina
[[177903015598419]] = Forever Alone
[[148578318584679]] = It’s Okay!
[[219611504753863]] = ALL the y
[[305710872791586]] = Impossibruh
[[145768898802324]] = Rage Face
[[309795212383816]] = Watch out
[[129627277060203]] = Poker face
[[100002727365206]] = Challenge

[[647682838608219]] = Unimpressed
[[432205370215837]] = Silent
[[664755460221711]] = Dies
[[664755586888365]] = Flirt
[[647683875274782]] = Shy
[[625947164117544]] = Laugh
[[525440267549241]] = Disgust
[[432206396882401]] = Cry
[[647685211941315]] = Cheeky
[[642174349157272]] = Curious
[[432207410215633]] = Happy
[[677405722292632]] = Holdinghands
[[642176879157019]] = Love
[[677323232300881]] = Annoyed

[[677323348967536]] = Sad

[[626096634102597]] = Ok
[[432209543548753]] = Cool
[[647689008607602]] = Angry
[[432210020215372]] = Flat
[[664765560220701]] = Insane
[[466572440115775]] = Yum
[[432211800215194]] = Sleepy
[[642179089156798]] = Nerd
[[357882417682260]] = Callme
[[357848121019023]] = Devil
[[432223783547329]] = Err
[[647704141939422]] = Confused
[[647704231939413]] = Kiss
[[642191072488933]] = Drool
[[664778013552789]] = Poo
[[625964980782429]] = Ssstttt..
[[647704565272713]] = Vomit
[[664815893549001]] = Yuck
[[432275276875513]] = Bum
[[664842620212995]] = Hug
[[626041287441465]] = Punch
[[664850760212181]] = Thumbsup

[[f9.laugh]] = ketawa
[[f9.sad]] = sedih
[[f9.angry]] = marah
[[f9.sleepy]] = ngantuk
[[f9.shock]] = kaget
[[f9.kiss]] = cium
[[f9.inlove]] = jatuh cinta
[[f9.pizza]] = pizza
[[f9.coffee]] = kopi
[[f9.rain]] = hujan
[[f9.bomb]] = bom
[[f9.sun]] = matahari
[[f9.heart]] = hati
[[f9.heartbreak]] = patah hati
[[f9.doctor]] = dokter
[[f9.ghost]] = hantu
[[f9.brb]] = brb
[[f9.wine]] = wine
[[f9.gift]] = kado
[[f9.adore]] = mata cinta
[[f9.angel]] = malaikat
[[f9.baloons]] = balon
[[f9.bowl]] = mangkok
[[f9.cake]] = kue
[[f9.callme]] = call me
[[f9.clap]] = ngiler
[[f9.confused]] = manyun
[[f9.curllip]] = senyum
[[f9.devilface]] = muka setan
[[f9.lying]] = lying

silahkan copy kode diatas, selanjutnya pastekan di facebook sobat. semoga koleksi emote icon facebook ini bermanfaat.

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